Sunday, April 6, 2008

This is NOT Fictional

Well, this is my first post to my new blog at

Now you are really gonna think I am nuts... but here goes. Remember, I promised to teach you how to contact Creator directly if you joined our newsgroup at

I haven't really kept that promise to date due to a lot of personal issues -- mostly the death last August 2007 of my wife Betty, and I hope its not too late.

Red Elk told me that of 10,000 people he taught how to contact Creator that ONLY SEVEN PEOPLE learned how.

Well, yesterday, I reached a point of frustration that I wept -- you might remember I totally lost ALL my income from herbal sales that has sustained me since summer 2005.

So, I drove up into the foothills of the nearby national Forest... I don't have to go very far, as the blacktop ends 200 yards from my house.

I had a long talk with Creator... saying "I am not gonna scream at you like I have in the past, spoiled brat that I am. I am just at he end of my rope. I don't need to see an angel, don't need to hear your voice because I get that anyway all the time in dreams. I just want a push in the right direction -- and that I am not running out in front of Creator. Please help me out some way."So, I rolled up the window, and laid my head back, and went to sleep... knowing I would probably get an answer just as I drifted off to sleep.

Then I heard Creator say three words: "Go back in"

I drove home.

I laid down to take a knap, and about 10 minutes later, my cell phone rang.

The voice on the other end said "I got a message to call your phone, and I just hit the button to return the call. Who am I speaking to?"

I said "This is Prophecykeepers Foundation, Will Blueotter speaking... who is this?"

He identified himself... it was a fellow I HAD been corresponding with him via email that same day. I have not contacted him at all in a few years, and wanted to catch up on things we were both involved in Indian politics back east. In my email, I asked him for his phone number, but he didn't reply with it... and I didn't send him my cell number. Whoa... this is crazy I thought.

Now he was telling me that I had called him... but I didn't!

I said "Norbert, I haven't called you today, and never ever called you from this phone. What he heck is going on?"

I then told him about going up the mountain... and because he is also a Cherokee and familiar with spiritual phenomenon, we both knew what had happened. We the knew that Creator wanted to impress us both with something.

After a conversation of 10-15 minutes we agreed to ask Creator what was wanted for us to do.
More tomorrow!


Heyv... it is true!


Tsiya Saquo (Blueotter)

1 comment:

drhoecker said...

i have great signs ,i opened the bible sealed book in revelations,i have great signs in rocks,i know tomorrow,the event involves me directly.i have video proof on youtube. user drhoecker.i read rugs,i have cypher wheels they tell from the past tomorrow.i am the one who knows .please hear me out..dana rene hoecker.the events happen i report ahead 100%